Professional Assessments of
Business Aviation Operations
ProSessments Service
Professional Assessment:
The evaluation or estimation of the nature, quality, or ability of someone or something.
FlightStart Solutions is now offering Professional Assessments of Business Aviation Operations under the Title of (ProSessments).
THIS is “Not an Audit”. It is not intended to “clean house’, “restructure”, “replace personnel”, or determine if you are complying with the required rules and regulations.
It is an Evaluation or Assessment of how you manage and operate your Corporate Flight Department. How do you manage people, what are your management processes, how do you do your job, how do employees do their job, what are work routines, procedures, schedules, what is your relationship with corporate, fly at least one trip with a flight crew, seek employee suggestions.
Assessment Process:
Assessor spends up to one week with the operation. Sits in on meetings, spends time with and observes workers in all departments, if possible flies on at least one trip with a flight crew
Assessment Results:
Shared by the assessor in a department meeting including assessors recommendations, employee suggestions and or recommendations.
Desired Outcome of the Assessment: Make life better for everyone.
Our Team Is Ready To Assist You. Click Here to Contact Us For More Information.
For Complimentary Consultation Call (1) 914-489-2774
Assessment of Corporate Flight Dept. Operations

Process Management and Efficiency Analysis​

Hands-on Observation & Evaluation